Description Link to heading
[2335. Minimum Amount of Time to Fill Cups (Easy)]
You have a water dispenser that can dispense cold, warm, and hot water. Every second, you can either
fill up 2
cups with different types of water, or 1
cup of any type of water.
You are given a 0-indexed integer array amount
of length 3
where amount[0]
, amount[1]
and amount[2]
denote the number of cold, warm, and hot water cups you need to fill respectively.
Return the minimum number of seconds needed to fill up all the cups.
Example 1:
Input: amount = [1,4,2]
Output: 4
Explanation: One way to fill up the cups is:
Second 1: Fill up a cold cup and a warm cup.
Second 2: Fill up a warm cup and a hot cup.
Second 3: Fill up a warm cup and a hot cup.
Second 4: Fill up a warm cup.
It can be proven that 4 is the minimum number of seconds needed.
Example 2:
Input: amount = [5,4,4]
Output: 7
Explanation: One way to fill up the cups is:
Second 1: Fill up a cold cup, and a hot cup.
Second 2: Fill up a cold cup, and a warm cup.
Second 3: Fill up a cold cup, and a warm cup.
Second 4: Fill up a warm cup, and a hot cup.
Second 5: Fill up a cold cup, and a hot cup.
Second 6: Fill up a cold cup, and a warm cup.
Second 7: Fill up a hot cup.
Example 3:
Input: amount = [5,0,0]
Output: 5
Explanation: Every second, we fill up a cold cup.
amount.length == 3
0 <= amount[i] <= 100
Solution Link to heading
If max >= mid + min
, res = max
Ifmax <mid + min
, res = (max + mid - min) / 2
Code Link to heading
class Solution {
int fillCups(vector<int>& amount) {
int amax = amount[0], amin = amount[0];
int asum = amount[0];
for (int i = 1; i < amount.size(); i++) {
amax = max(amax, amount[i]);
amin = min(amin, amount[i]);
asum += amount[i];
int amid = asum - amax - amin;
if (amax >= amin + amid)
return amax;
return (asum + 1) / 2;